Steelco DS 500 CL Washer Disinfector
Specifically designed for installations with limited space, this model is suitable for the treatment of a large quantity of all types of dental instruments.
The high capacity chamber the washing and hot air drying on two independent levels, which are normally seen on larger machines, allow this device to be used following on everyday needs.
The powerful cleaning and disinfecting system guarantees short programs duration that reach high level performances in terms of cleaning quality, thermodisinfection and drying.
Dimensions WxDxH:
600mm x 630mm x 850mm
23,62" x 24.80" x 33.46"
Chamber volume ~171 lt / 45.17 Gal US
Basket volume ~151 lt / 39.89 Gal US
Full glass and stainless steel door versions.
Stainless steel door version DS 500 CL
LCD display control panel with 40 washing and thermodisinfection programs for surgical instruments: 20 standard pre-programmed cycles and 20 additional, available for customization.
Full glass door version DS 500 CL soft touch
Soft touch full glass control panel with graphic colour LCD display. 40 washing and thermal disinfection programs for surgical instruments: 20 standard pre-programmed cycles and 20 additional, available for customization.
- Heavy washing pump to ensure high water flow rate combined with effective spray pressure.
- Filtered forced air drying system with adjustable time and temperature setting, helps to ensure a complete drying, inside and outside, of all the surgical instruments and tubes.
- Washing and DI disinfection temperature are fully adjustable up to 93°C. Temperature is monitored by two independent sensors.
- Standard steam condenser prevents vapours from entering into the washing area.
- Inner cabinet, washing arms and tank filters made of high quality AISI 316 L stainless steel.
- Two automatic liquid dispensers.
- Triple water filtering system captures residue, preventing re-circulation and extending the pump life.
DS 500 can be integrated into existing furniture of treatment rooms, and also with functional side cabinets or ergonomic stands.